Bhubaneswar: In a surprising turn of events, former BJP MLA Jagannath Pradhan has filed his nomination for the upcoming Rajya Sabha elections. Pradhan, who had lost in previous elections, submitted his nomination papers to the Returning Officer with the support of ten BJP MLAs on Tuesday afternoon. This development has added a new twist to the political race, which previously seemed to be a straightforward contest.
The Rajya Sabha seat became vacant after BJD member Mamata Mohanta resigned from her position. Following her resignation, the Election Commission of India announced the necessary elections to fill the vacant seat. Initially, the BJP's central committee decided to back Mamata Mohanta, who had recently joined the BJP, as their candidate for the Rajya Sabha seat.
In a recent public statement, top BJP leaders, including the Chief Minister and the State President, expressed strong confidence in Mamata Mohanta's potential victory in the upcoming election. The nomination process, completed in the presence of key party leaders, was seen as a strategic move to strengthen the party's presence in the Rajya Sabha.
However, the sudden nomination of Jagannath Pradhan has sparked speculation within political circles. Pradhan, who narrowly lost in the Bhubaneswar assembly elections, has now entered the Rajya Sabha race. This unexpected move has led to whispers that all is not well within the party. Some insiders suggest that Pradhan’s nomination is a backup plan by the BJP, should Mamata Mohanta’s candidacy face any challenges.
Sources close to the party indicate that there might be concerns over the validity of Mamata Mohanta’s nomination, prompting the BJP to push forward Pradhan as a contingency. These developments have left political observers wondering if internal rifts are brewing within the party, and whether this might impact the upcoming Rajya Sabha elections.
With the voting scheduled for the 3rd of next month, the political scenario in Odisha remains tense. The coming days will be crucial in determining the final outcome, and whether the BJP’s backup plan will come into play.